Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Harvest!!

Our garden is doing fairly well even tho we haven't had a lot of rain. My dh and his uncle set up an irrigation system to collect rain so we can use that to water the garden but like I said lack of anyways.

(you can see the barrels for the rain collection)

The picture above is a couple weeks old. Our plants have really taken off since then and so have the weeds (yuck). I've learned the hard way that if you try to weed when the ground is a dry as it has been you might just pull up a plant with and learn I

We picked about 20lbs of cucumbers the other night with help from dh cousin's girlfriend. She was all fired up about helping and had a ball helping dh pick them.

Last night dh and I got to work slicing and canning. We made 12 jars of bread and butter pickles. Sadly 1 jar didn't make it thru the sealing process, but that's ok!

(This pic was an after thought so the scale is a couple pounds

(DH bought me the kettle to the left this past spring. It's going to make canning apple sauce ssssooooo much easier this year.)

(They look so good)

In other news.......(lol) our youngest son is spending the summer in Georgia with my parents. They have spent the past week in Virginia participating in the reenactment of the Civil War Battle of Bull Run (First Battle of Manassas (the name used by Confederate forces)). I haven't had the chance to talk to him to see how it went but my mom sent me some pictures.

(Cousin, brother, sister, my handsome daddy and my sweet son)

(Youngest Brother (YB), Handsome Daddy (HD) and Sweet Son (YS)

I changed the color effects of the pictures so they look more authinic. I love the way they turned out.

The picture below is one that I threw in just because I love it. DH and myself before his cousins wedding. He looks so handsome!

(Me and my Dear Hubby of almost 19yrs)