Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What to write about?

I've been giving this blog thing some thought. I'm still trying to decide what I want to post about. Yesterday, while working in the yard, I had plenty of ideas on what to write about but where do I start?

I guess I've decided to start with my life here in NNY, (probably a good thing considering that the title to this blog...) I moved up here 20 years ago with my parents. My dad was stationed at the local military base. I met my husband in high school. We married 2 months after graduation and so our life began.

After 3 kids and almost 19 years of marriage, we have our own little piece of heaven outside of the town my hubby grew up in, in a county with more cows than people. We don't own much property but our 2 1/2 acres is plenty for what we want.

I love our home. It's over 100 years old and at one time use to be a working dairy farm. (go figure) We bought it 5 years ago from a wonderful family who owned the home since it was built. I tell dear hubby all the time we didn't buy a home we inherited a family. They still stop by from time to time to see what improvements we have done to the old homestead. Granted we haven't completely renovated the whole house just a couple of room: ie~the bathroom, kitchen and the boys rooms (even tho no room is 100% complete yet)

Monday, May 9, 2011

First post

I've been "stalking" blogs for almost a year. I've wanted to start my own but what do I say? The blogs I've seen are wonderful. These ladies are very creative with their talents and their love for the Lord is inspiring.

So....where do I begin. What do I say? hhhhmmmmm......