Memorial Day.....what does this day mean to you?
To me it means a day of remembrance and honor to our soldiers who fight to give us the opportunity to be free. Growing up an Army Brat, I've seen first hand the struggles and rewards that our soldiers endure. Deployments, field missions, hardship tours and oversea tours are not easy, but it's the career that was chosen and for some they really enjoy life in the military.
As you will see I have quiet a few "favorite" soldiers:
He LOVED being a soldier. He joined straight out of high school working his tail off and by the time he retired he was as high in rank as an enlisted soldier could go in the Army ~
Command Brigade Sergent Major~~wooooohoooo.......(so loving my daddy <3)
My dear hubby (dh) and his younger brother (yb) also have served in our armed forces. Dh served in the Army and yb served Air Force. With the training they received during their time of service they have been able to acquire employment happily working along side our men and women in uniform.
My Dear Hubby!!
and his younger brother...
One who has followed in his father's foot steps and is proudly serving overseas today. Thank you ECM and your family for serving our country and keeping us safe!! (Love Ya <3)
One I have yet to meet but married my best friend. PJF thanks to you and your precious family for serving 20 years for our country and congradulations on your retirement!!
A co-workers brother who is actively serving our country. JRM thank you for yours and your families service to our country. I for one greatly appreciate it!
Who is your favorite soldier? Leave a remark and share....
Every family knows someone who is serving or has served in this great countries Armed Services. Many do a couple years to learn a trade, there are the career soldiers and then there are the soldiers who serve and pay the ultimate price to keep us free. They are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers.....the best friend.
To the families whose loved one has given this sacrifice.....THANK YOU!!! Your dedication, service and love for our country will never be forgotten.
So if you see a soldier this Memorial Day weekend, take a minute to shake their hand, look them in the eye and tell them you appreciate what they do for our country.
If you know a soldier, send them an e-mail, text or even take a minute and call them. Tell them you love them and thank them.
And for the soldier who gave the ultimate sacrifice, be still, remember and offer thanks to that soldier and their families because of them we have this special holiday and because of them we will always remember.....
Be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend!!!