Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Chapter

For the past 2 weeks my family has been preparing for a new chapter in our lives. Life with an "adult" child. Our oldest and only daughter graduated from highschool this past Friday. (Where did the time go?)

My family from Georgia made the trip up to be a part of this special occasion. It was such a blessing to have them here with us.

Sweet Daughter with my grandmother (her great-grandmother)

Sweet daughter with dear hubbies grandmother (her great-grandmother)

Sweet daughter with her great-aunt.

Sweet daughter with dear hubbies parents.
Sweet daughter with her great-uncle.

Sweet daughter with my parents.


We had a small graduation party with them here and plan on having a larger one for hubbies side of the family at the beginning of next month.

Pictured with my sweet daughter is her BFF who is also graduating this year. We are hoping the weather will be nice so the school she attends will hold the ceremony outdoors so we can also attend and cheer for her.

My Grandmother and Aunt left Sunday morning and my parents left out Tuesday morning. Really wished they could have all stayed longer but life must go on and work was waiting. Hopefully we will get to see them in July for the Battle of Bull Run Reenactment.

We finished up Saturday with all the young men at my house getting a hair cut. ( Needless to say non of them have very much hair right

Don't they look happy with their new doos? (Remember they asked for the buzz cut)